Hermannsburg Historic Precinct

Andrew Ebatarinja

Andrew was born at Hermannsburg (Ntaria) on the 19th April 1968. He grew up in Hermannsburg, went to school here and now works here. He learnt to paint from his mother from an early age. He is married with four children and many grandchildren. 

Andrew Ebatarinja

About the artist

Andrew was born at Hermannsburg (Ntaria) on the 19th April 1968. He grew up in Hermannsburg, went to school here and now works here. He learnt to paint from his mother from an early age. He is married with four children and many grandchildren. 

Discover other artists

Gloria Napurrurla Pannka

Gloria Pannka was born at Hermannsburg in 1953. She is a granddaughter of Albert Namatjira and daughter of Claude Pannka who was one of the first generation of Hermannsburg water colour artists.

Betty (Namatjira) Wheeler

Betty was born at Hermannsburg (Ntaria) in 1949. Her father came from Haasts Bluff, north west of Hermannsburg. Her mother was Martha Namatjira, one of Albert Namatjira’s daughters.