Gus Williams c.1960

Gus Williams

Morris Traeger singing, Gus Williams on guitar and Warren and Clyde

Gus Williams (1937-2010)

Singing at Hermannsburg is not only something that is done in church! From singing in the church choir at Hermannsburg to sing-alongs at Palm Valley, to the Country Music Hall of Fame at Tamworth, Gus Williams was a country and western singer of renown across Australia. Gus Williams sang his way through life and he passed this joy of singing on to his children.

Gus Williams playing Guitar

Arrarnta contributions to Country Music

Hermannsburg Mission has a long tradition of music including both pastoral music and popular country music. Renowned country music artists include Gus Williams and Warren H. Williams.

The Central Australian Women’s Choir.

The Hermannsburg Choir

The records of the mission often mention the beautiful sounds of the Arrarnta people with their voices raised in song. Hermannsburg Mission has a long tradition of music including both pastoral music and popular country and western.
